Florida Home Insurance Claim Lawyer
Being a homeowner comes with a fair amount of risk since there are a number of factors that can cause damage and destruction to your property. Many people look to homeowners insurance to help minimize the risk of losing everything in the event that something terrible does occur to their home but this can sometimes not work out the way one hopes.
Homeowner insurance companies are not always so receptive to claims filed by homeowners facing severe damage to their property which can make life very difficult for those relying on the insurance coverage. With the assistance of a lawyer, you can hold insurance companies to their word so that you can get the coverage needed to handle the damage sustained by your home.
Why Hire a Homeowner Insurance Claim Lawyer?
Homeowners’ insurance can be a frustrating tangle of coverage, premiums, and policies that can be difficult to navigate when the insurance company resists paying for damage suffered due to something like a fire or a burst pipe. Hiring an attorney that specializes in dealing with these insurance companies is essential if you want those that owe you coverage to take you seriously.
Homeowner’s insurance companies have more resources, knowledge, and experience than you and will use this to their advantage to make sure that the money that you need to cover property damage stays in their pockets. Hiring an experienced attorney does not just get you an expert on homeowners insurance that will help with your case. It evens the playing field and sends a message to the insurance company that your claim is something they should pay attention to and that you cannot be taken advantage of.
Just the process of determining whether or not your damage falls under the coverage of an insurance policy is a battle in itself. Having an experienced attorney as an ally can help with this as well as with determining the full value of damage your home suffered, negotiating with the insurance company, and investigating the cause of your home’s damage as well.
What Can Corbett Law do for You?
Arye P. Corbett has been assisting the people of Florida with claims denied or undervalued by insurance companies for years now and has been recognized as one of the top personal injury attorneys in the state. Those that have acquired the services of Corbett Law have been met with success and received the coverage they were owed by insurance companies that attempted to deny them. This is accomplished with an emphasis on working closely with clients and leaving no stone unturned as part of a legal strategy that gets you results. Consider contacting the offices of Arye P. Corbett for a consultation on your case.
Common Forms of Damage Sustained by Homes
The nature of the damage inflicted on your home and property can have a significant effect on any claim you try to make. For example, Florida sees a great deal of hurricane damage but many policies do not include coverage of damage inflicted by flooding. The coverage specified in your homeowner’s insurance policy can make filing a claim over specific kinds of property damage very difficult. The following are some common forms of damage involved in homeowners insurance claims.
Wind damage
Water damage (internal and weather-related)
Tornado Damage
Hurricane Damage
Fire Damage
Structural Damage
Why Was my Homeowners Insurance Claim Denied?
Many people file a homeowners insurance claim believing that their case is clear cut and that coverage is all but assured only to either have their claim denied or undervalued by the insurance company. This happens a lot more often than people realize due to the fact that insurance companies are for-profit businesses. In order to generate a profit, insurance companies need to take in premiums paid by their clients while reducing the amount of money paid out in claims. This is accomplished by looking for any possible way to deny or reduce the value of a claim.
In many cases, this involves disputing whether or not the damage to your property falls under the coverage stipulated under your insurance policy. Insurance companies have a number of loopholes they will utilize to achieve this. They may blame the damage on another cause that is not covered by your policy. In other cases, they may undervalue your claim by trying to say the damage is less extensive than claimed.
Was Your Home Insurance Claim denied?
Call Arye P. Corbett today for a free consultation.
What Can I Do to Help a Homeowner’s Insurance Claim?
When filing a claim with your homeowner’s insurance it is important to make sure you do so as soon as possible. Taking too long to report damage to your property can make the damage seem less credible to the insurance company. Taking a look at your policy is also essential since you need to be informed as to what exactly your policy covers and to what extent. Your policy will also usually include the necessary steps to take to begin the claims process with your insurance carrier.
It is also important to keep extensive documentation on your property as well as the damage. This can include everything from pictures of the state of the property to inspection reports. Having the damage inspected by a professional can be very helpful to establish the value of your claim. Also, keep records of all the maintenance done on your property. This can prove expenses and show that the damaged property was in satisfactory condition before it was damaged. Most importantly, before you contact the insurance company about severe property damage you should at least speak to a lawyer that specializes in homeowner insurance claims.
Consider Arye P. Corbett for Your Homeowner Insurance Claim
If you are struggling with your homeowner’s insurance company when trying to get the damage to your home covered in a claim then do not hesitate to contact the law offices of Arye P. Corbett. We are more than happy to sit down with you and talk about the details of your case so that you can get an idea of what legal options you have and what Corbett Personal Injury Law can do for you.
Arye P. Corbett is nationally recognized as one of the preeminent personal injury attorneys in the state of Florida and has provided legal representation to those that have suffered severe personal injuries for over a decade. Consider Arye P Corbett, P.A. not just your lawyer but an ally in your fight for compensation for personal injury damages. Corbett Law emphasizes close communication with clients balanced with specialized and aggressive legal representation that has resulted in a long history of successful case results.
To contact Corbett Law Firm about your case you can either call our office at (561) 948-3700 or fill out a contact form online.
2101 NW Corporate Blvd. Suite 410
Boca Raton, Florida 33431