How Much Should I Expect From My Car Accident Injury Claim?

How Much Should I Expect From My Car Accident Injury Claim?

It’s only natural to wonder how much money you might be able to obtain if you’ve been hurt in a car accident caused by another motorist’s recklessness or negligence. There are a lot of different factors that will go into determining the value of your personal injury case. These include the circumstances surrounding the wreck, the severity of your injuries, and more.

In order to have the best chance of obtaining the most compensation possible, you’ll need to hire an attorney who has an extensive amount of experience in this area of the law. Arye P. Corbett has that experience and has the passion and skill necessary to help give his clients the highest likelihood of success.

If you would like to receive a free review of your case, please contact The Law Office of Arye P. Corbett online or call (561) 948-3700.

Factors That Maximize Compensation for an Injury Case

The amount of the at-fault driver’s insurance policy will have a lot to do with how much you can expect to obtain for the injuries and other damages you’ve incurred due to your car accident. You need to remember that the insurer will pay the least amount of money it possibly can. It will be up to your attorney to get you as much compensation as possible for your injuries.

These are some of the factors that might help increase the compensation you may be able to obtain:

  • Whether or not the at-fault driver has past vehicle accident claims.

  • Whether the at-fault driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs when the accident occurred.

  • The extent of the injuries you suffered.

  • The costs associated with treating your injuries.

  • Other damages (losses) you may have incurred, including lost wages, the price of medications, expenses for home care you may need, and many others.

  • Any property damage that might have taken place.

  • So-called “non-economic” damages, such as pain and suffering.

After an accident, what expenses can I be compensated for?

There are a number of different damages that can occur due to a car accident. As stated earlier, costs to treat your injuries will be taken into account when determining a fair amount of compensation you may be able to obtain. You may have lost a substantial amount of time from work – and possibly even lost your job. The wages you would have made will also be factored into your compensation.

Your pain and suffering could also be part of the compensation you receive. You’ll learn more about this form of non-economic damages later in this article.

Can you predict the value of my claim if my accident is similar to another?

Even if two separate accidents have very similar surrounding circumstances, they will never be exactly the same. You may have gone to a different medical facility than another accident injury victim, for instance. One hospital may charge more than another. As a result, it will be difficult for your attorney to give you a specific amount of compensation you can expect to receive.

What is a minor injury? What is a major injury?

You might think of a minor injury as something that happens to someone else. You’re in serious pain, so you would consider your injury to be a major one. But there are specific criteria that separate minor injuries from major injuries. Here’s a brief look at each.

Minor injuries

These are injuries that, while extremely painful, will typically not endanger your life, your ability to move around, or your ability to survive. These include bruises, small cuts, muscle strains and sprains, and minor burns.

Major injuries

Major injuries, on the other hand, can definitely have long-term ramifications. They can even potentially be fatal. These include compound fractures, eye and/or head injuries, extensive burns, injuries that lead to profuse bleeding or paralysis, and more.

How much can I get for pain and suffering in a car accident?

Until recently, the method for valuing pain and suffering was to take the victim’s economic damages and multiplying them by three. If your medical expenses, for instance, totaled $10,000, and your lost wages came to $5,000, your pain and suffering would be worth $45,000 ($15,000 times three).

However, the formula for calculating pain and suffering has changed. And it’s far more complex. The multiplier will typically depend on how bad you’re hurt, how long it will take for you to recover, and other factors. For example, if you have to endure several surgeries due to a broken arm, your pain and suffering would be worth more than someone who had a broken ankle that healed completely after a few months.

How long does a car accident claim take to settle?

Just like there are a lot of factors that determine how much compensation is available, there are also many factors that will determine how long it will take for you to receive a check. Typically, however, you can expect to wait at least two or three months.

An experienced attorney such as Arye P. Corbett will be able to navigate the complexities that could delay your payment.

What if my car accident claim goes to court?

In most instances, a car accident victim will agree to an insurance company settlement so that the matter doesn’t have to be decided in a courtroom. However, there are times where a lawsuit will have to be filed and will go to trial. If this happens to your case, here are a few of the procedures your case will more than likely have to go through.

  • Jury selection

  • Presentation of the plaintiff’s evidence

  • Presentation of the defendant’s evidence

  • Closing arguments

  •  Jury deliberation

  • The verdict

Car accident jury trials will usually only last a few days. But there are no set rules. Generally, the more complex the case, the longer it will likely take.

Why can a car accident lawyer get me more money?

It will be imperative that you hire a seasoned attorney to obtain as much compensation you can for the suffering you’ve had to endure. Arye P. Corbett will work passionately on your behalf, and be there for you at all times to answer your questions or address your concerns.

Mr. Corbett has years of experience representing clients in these kinds of cases, and an impressive track record of success. He knows how to handle even the most complex cases, and will be more than prepared to provide a convincing argument should you have to go to court.

If you would like to learn more or schedule a free consultation, contact The Law Office of Arye P. Corbett online or call (561) 948-3700.